Discuss Mermaid3011's Federal Skilled Workers USCIS Case

Federal Skilled Workers case: Approved in 725 days (58 days less than average)
01 Aug 2008
Berlin, Germany
11 Aug 2008
30 Nov 2009
Bachelors (4-year)
17 Mar 2009
30 Nov 2009
30 Nov 2009
16 Feb 2010
23 Apr 2010
04 May 2010
31 May 2010
16 Jul 2010
27 Jul 2010
30 Jul 2010
20 Aug 2010
Toronto / Scarborough
725 days
30 Nov -0001
20 Aug 2010
DONE! Landed today at the Immigration Office in Scarborough (Toronto). Inland landing is possible for people who are already legally in Canada. Super easy and fast! No questions asked. Just 2 signatures - that was it! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!

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Users currently watching this case: nindi, whistler, ak677, DaveTheGerman, YYVR2K10, canada10 20 Comments

Posted by kelebekpension
11 Sep 2008 #1
Hi mermaid,
ich habe auch das gleiche Schreiben erhalten und wurde nicht recht schlau daraus.
Es hört sich für mich an wie: wir wissen nicht, ob wir das Visa Dir wann, wie, überhaupt, ausstellen wollen / können / dürfen...
Auch wenn wir uns nicht kennen drücke ich Dir und allen Visa Antragstellern die Daumen.
Posted by Mermaid3011
24 Feb 2009 #2
Hallo Kelebek!
Ja das Gefuehl hab ich auch! Momentan arbeite ich daran, ueber meinen Arbeitgeber hier in Canada eine LMO zu ergattern. Das scheint momentan der einzige Weg zu sein... Buffalo's Bearbeitungszeiten sind ausserdem wesentlich kuerzer. Dir auch viel Glueck und lass mich wissen, falls Du was Neues hoerst!
Posted by kelebekpension
21 Mar 2009 #3
Hi Mermaid,
meine Nachricht kommt recht spät, da ich selten hier reinschau...
Also wir haben Dezember 2009 die Aufforderung erhalten weitere Unterlagen zu senden.
Ich hatte erst in 2 Jahren damit gerechnet, das es heisst bis 24 Monate Bearbeitungszeit.
Wir stehen auf der Berufeliste mit 0632 - Accomodation Service Manager.

Da ich einige Unterlagen aus Deutschland benötigt haben und auf das IELTS Resultat gewartet habe,
werde ich die ganzen DOC´S erst Ende März der Botschaft senden. Ausserdem soll es auch nicht zu schnell gehen,
da ich hier die Pension gerne auch verkaufen möchte.
Dir viel Glück,
Grüsse aus der sonnigen Türkei ,
Posted by kelebekpension
21 Mar 2009 #4
sorry für einige Tippfehler, aber nach einem Glass Wein ...
Posted by nindi
05 Jun 2009 #5
any news mermaid?
Posted by Mermaid3011
15 Aug 2009 #6
Hallo Nindi!

Ja immerhin habe ich meine positive LMO bekommen und meine neue WorkPermit die jetzt bis Juli 2010 gueltig ist. Bis dahin hoere ich hoffentlich was von CIC oder der Embassy in Berlin.

Ausserdem unterstuetzt mich meine Firma beim Ontario Provincial Nominee Program. Das kostet zwar 2000 CDN aber ehrlich gesagt nach dem Stress mit der Work Permit und LMO ist es das allemal wert!!!! Der Lawyer, den wir fuer die LMO eingeschaltet hatten, war teurer...

Was gibts bei Dir Neues?

Posted by whistler
31 Mar 2010 #7

Since you were previously checking my case to see when I would receive my medical request, well I've now received the request therefore I guess it shouldn't be too much longer before you receive yours. Good Luck...
Posted by Mermaid3011
31 Mar 2010 #8
Thank you Whistler! I suppose it'll take another 6-8 weeks. But that's great news!!! Good luck for you too!!! Brigit
Posted by ak677
09 Apr 2010 #9
Hi Mermaid

I have seen two application of yours here one for FSW & other for Provincial nominee. Have you applied for both of the two cases.
Im too waiting for medicals lets see...

Posted by Mermaid3011
14 Apr 2010 #10
Hi ak677, yes - I have two applications going. FSW in Berlin, Germany and PNP in Buffalo, USA. I am waiting for medicals in both cases now. Sent in my documents on Feb 17, 2010. According to the tracker I should get the AOR and med requests after 3-4 months from Buffalo. Berlin is not moving at all! When did you send in your PNP documents?
Posted by ak677
14 Apr 2010 #11
Hello Mermaid 3011,

Ya same here, indeed Berlin is very slow. Actually, I submitted docs on October 15 last year and than got an email from the embass on 2nd February, that Im short of two points, and they give me a chance to retake the IELTS test to be eligible to get the required points. I took the test in March and on 20th March I send them the score as I got luckily the required bands to get the pass marks.

Since them I m waiting for the next step which is medical and don't know when they will call. I dont know now why they are taking time when points calculation has already been done and now the major is the security check and the funds.

Lets see


Posted by ak677
23 Apr 2010 #12
Wow ........ Mermaid 3011 .............. you got it ............. very lucky ........... good luck

Posted by DaveTheGerman
06 Jun 2010 #13
Thanks, mermaid, I'm watching your updates as well ;-) We sent our medical on May 12th, hoping to get the PPR some time during the World Cup :-)
Posted by Mermaid3011
16 Jul 2010 #14
So just for those who are watching this case:

I took my meds on May 4th. The doctor promised me to send them off to Ottawa within 2 weeks. I calculated about 6 weeks to receive my PPR.
In the end I found out that the doctor had not forwarded the results right away. He sent them to Ottawa after 4 weeks. I contacted my CIC office in Berlin asking them, if they had received my results. They replied to my email within one day (!) and asked me for details (when and where I had taken the exam and when the documents were sent to Ottawa). I gave all details and they replied again within one day (!!) that they had asked Ottawa for my results and should receive them very soon.

Today I received a third email from CIC Berlin (!!!). They had gotten my results over night from Ottawa via email and asked for my passport and the landing fee!

YAY!!! I am so excited! And I am very impressed about the final processing! Berlin has been very helpful and fast in the last couple steps and I very much appreciate this.

The whole process has taken 2 years by the time I get my PP back... very well!! Happily ever after!
Posted by YYVR2K10
16 Jul 2010 #15

Could you please drop a subtle hint as to which doctor that was so that one could avoid him?

CIC Berlin does indeed always reply very quickly and accurately -- I'm happy for you that in the end all turned out well. Good luck for your new life in Canada!
Posted by Mermaid3011
16 Jul 2010 #16
Thank you!

You don't have to avoid him. He's actually really nice and the results of my friend were sent within 10 days. I assume they mail the collected results once every month (at the end of the month) and I just had bad luck.

The clinic is called Albany Clinic und ist in Toronto, Broadview Avenue (Danforth Area). Dr. Harvey Kline is about 85 yrs and very sweet but also very slow. He chatted a while and gave me an A with no more questions.

So it's up to you ...

All the best for everyone!
Posted by ak677
16 Jul 2010 #17
Wow .... very lucky Mermaid .......... Tell me one thing its been how long u r in Canada ............. How'd you find the job situation there and what u think is it possible to get job in Canada ........... keeping in view the high unemployment factor


Posted by Mermaid3011
18 Jul 2010 #18
Hi ak677!
Thank you! I am in Canada since 2 years now. My first job was through a temp agency and I was paid by the hour. I was very lucky to find a job with a large, multinational company and they offered me a job later. A couple months afterwards I switched to another multinational company. My job is a much lower level though than I would be qualified for. I am fine with that. I don't need to make a career. That makes it easier to find a job.

If you expect to find something equivalent to your current position you might have to apply longer. A friend of mine didnt want to take any job and had to look for 6-7 months.

There are still a lot of canadians who got laid off last year and are still looking for a job. It's not easy but it is also not impossible. It all depends on your expectations and needs.

All the best!
Posted by Mermaid3011
30 Jul 2010 #19
YAY!!! Passport arrived today in the mail at the office. Can't believe it! It has to slowly sink in that the hassle is over now!

Posted by canada10
02 Oct 2010 #20
hi mermaid3011,

can u tell me please how your passport sent from embassy? is it Registered or normal. thnx

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