Sorry for confusion,especially when I dont have 100% idea about whats the sork plan of CIS right now. Last year If you have applied before Nov end, I think they will consider thoese applications for regular FSK applicants. Bcoz I read on the CIS news in specific, it says the NOC 38 FSK applicants if have applied before Nov 2008 should consider reapplying bcoz before nov08 their application was considered under normal FSK application. So to get special treat for noc 38 they said application after nov 08 for noc 38 wil be givend fitst preference.
As far as normal FSK, they are accepting applications but keeping on hold bcoz they are waiting for ministers instructions. If minister says for ex. that if CIS has received more than 200K applications under normal FSK then they wont accept any applications after mar 09. conversely CIS might decide of regular target of 245K visas which might enable our applications to be prossesd at normal spped.
In any case we will have to sit and wait and there are not much activities on day to day basis as far as CIS goes.
So we dnt have any option but to wait for Minsiter John's instructions coming out in end of mar or 1st week april.