Discuss khashougeh's Federal Skilled Workers USCIS Case

Federal Skilled Workers case: Approved in 879 days (-96 days more than average)
01 Jun 2007
Buffalo, USA
09 Jul 2007
13 Dec 2007
18 Dec 2007
07 Mar 2008
09 Jan 2008
27 Oct 2009
11 Dec 2009
879 days
30 Nov -0001
27 Oct 2010
Just received notification from lawyer. Medicals requested, interview waived, some documents are required (not sure what yet). Online status still shows "in process". --------------- Update March 7 2088: Sent tax return, bank statements for past 3 mo

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Users currently watching this case: Mayoo, deb123, techbonds, mshamma, bramyah 14 Comments

Posted by aolsanjgd
03 Jan 2008 #1
congrats .....please can you throw some light on your credentials...thanks
Posted by khashougeh
03 Jan 2008 #2

I moved to the US back in 1998, did my undergrad and grad work in Computer Science. I learned some French for one year while I was in north Africa prior to coming to the US and also had some French classes in college. I have about 4.5 years of experience in software engineering and development. I also have one year experience in translation (English to Arabic and vice versa) and another in teaching Arabic.

I didn't submit any English exam tests. Just submitted a letter explaining that the awards I've won and high grades obtained in school wouldn't have been possible without a good command of English!

Here's what I included in the application:

1. Copies of diplomas, transcripts, certificates (high school, college, grad school).
2. Copies of awards and recognitions (academic and professional).
3. Resume + letters of recommendations from previous employers.
4. Statements for bank and retirement accounts.
5. Copy of my credit score and total debt (to show financial stability and responsibility).
6. Letter attesting my command of English.
7. FBI background check.

Didn't submit:
1. Police certificates.
2. English/French language tests.

I haven't seen the documents that have been requested yet..but will let you know as soon as I do.
Posted by aolsanjgd
03 Jan 2008 #3
Thanks a lot and once again congrats and best of luck for your landing in Canada....
Posted by Bozo
03 Jan 2008 #4
Congratulation man.. wish you the best and please keep us posted.
Posted by khashougeh
04 Jan 2008 #5
Alright guys, here is what they asked for:

1. Police certificate from the country where I used to live before coming to the US.
2. Bank statements for the past 3 months.
3. 2006 US tax return.
4. Medical exam.
5. The landing fee.

Good luck to everyone!
Posted by Bozo
04 Jan 2008 #6
have you submitted your bank statement with the application at the first time?

Posted by khashougeh
05 Jan 2008 #7
Yes I did..but they still wanted the last 3 months. Some people just borrow money or do a balance transfer to get the money in their account..I guess that's a way for them to know for sure that you've had the money for some time.
Posted by Mayoo
20 Jun 2008 #8
Have u landed
Good Luck
Posted by khashougeh
20 Jun 2008 #9
No I am still waiting. It's been 3 months and 2 weeks since I submitted the last documents. My lawyer said it takes 3-4 months for applications submitted in the US before they ask for the passport....so I hope I will get the request in the next couple of weeks :)
Posted by deb123
01 Jul 2008 #10
Hi, Me again.. :)
One question. I also applied for Canadian PR in this category.
At the time of filing the application(5 Dec 07) I sent police verification from my home country. After filing that I came to US and staying here as of now. Now, will they ask for FBI clearance also in this case?
Posted by khashougeh
08 Jul 2008 #11
Hey! As far as I know, they ALWAYS ask for an FBI background check. It only takes 2-3 weeks to get it (you can download the form online and take it with you to the police department in your area for fingerprinting..it costs I think between $20-$30).
Posted by khashougeh
07 Aug 2008 #12
Contacted the Buffalo consulate. They said they requested background check from other government offices.
Posted by techbonds
24 Sep 2008 #13
Any updates ? Any idea why it is taking so long ?
Posted by khashougeh
25 Sep 2008 #14
I guess it may take longer for an Iraqi citizen. I am as puzzled as you are.

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