Discuss mjenyc's Concurrent I-130 / I-485 USCIS Case

Concurrent I-130 / I-485 case: Approved in 106 days (95 days less than average)
U.S. Citizen
F visa
06 Jun 2013
07 Jun 2013
07 Jun 2013
18 Jun 2013
10 Jul 2013
12 Jun 2013
30 Aug 2013
10 Sep 2013
85 days
17 Jul 2013
11 Sep 2013
Newark, NJ
20 Sep 2013
20 Sep 2013
28 Sep 2013
106 days
19 Jul 2013
30 Sep 2013
Went to "Testing & Interview"/ready for interviewing on 7/17/13....Received Text msg at 7:17 am on 8/6/13 that interview set: 9/11/13!!! (Received email alert 10 minutes later). Text alert was real time update (had checked status a few minutes before r

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Users currently watching this case: o1echka, outsmart8493, June30th, mjenyc, Oluuscis2012 18 Comments

Posted by Alex68
13 Sep 2013 #1
How did it go? ;)
Posted by mjenyc
13 Sep 2013 #2
Dear Alex68: I am a bit in shock. Our interview was very long (2 hours) and extremely detailed. But, even though at the end of the intterview the IO said that we had proved our relationship, we are still awaiting word. I will give more detail later...... Hopefully we will hear soon. MJE
Posted by f2a485
13 Sep 2013 #3
wow 2 hours, this looks like a stokes type interview. Hopefully all goes well for you.
Posted by mjenyc
16 Sep 2013 #4
Yes -- it was very stressful -- and although we answered all of the questions fully and well, it was really depressing to leave without a formal answer. I think the IO's forget that they are dealing with peopel's lives here and that we are literally just sitting in limbo during this process. Not fun. Wish I could give better news, but we are still awaiting word.
Posted by outsmart8493
16 Sep 2013 #5
Hang in there mje.. I know its painful (mine wasn't but I completely understand the anxiety and stress), but you will definitely have better news shortly.
Posted by thai
16 Sep 2013 #6
hello Mje. I am sorry that your interview went that long. I was wondering whether the IO had giving you any paperwork on site, such as "notice of interview results". If yes, which item did your IO checked?

I went for my interview the day after yours. The interview went well, at least what I thought. During the 20 mins of interview, the officer asked limited amount of question and then he was telling us how to review GC later, and how soon I should expect green card etc. So I thought I got approved. But after I got home, I read carefully the paper he handed me after the interview the "notice of interview results", on the paper, he checked "your case is being held for review. At this time, USCIS does not require any further information or documents from you. Should further information or documents be required, you will receive a notice in the mail. ......." I so far has got no update on my case.. confused about my case status..
Posted by mjenyc
16 Sep 2013 #7
We received the exact same form. I assume that that is the standard when they don't give the immediate decision, but they don't need anything further from you.
Posted by mjenyc
16 Sep 2013 #8
We received the exact same form. I assume that that is the standard when they don't give the immediate decision, but they don't need anything further from you.
Posted by f2a485
17 Sep 2013 #9
Hey mjenyc, is there any thing with your case that will have made the IO to be hard on you guys for about 2 hours. I am sure he might have been very particular about something. How long have you been married, do you have any kids?
Posted by mjenyc
17 Sep 2013 #10
It is not clear. Maybe the age difference or that this was my 2nd marriage -- but that was not obvious from the questions. Maybe it was because USCIS apparently jumbled pages from our respective passports - she was asking my wife about comings and goings to different places she has never been. But we ended up pointing this out and we were able to put the pages in correct order. Who knows - it was not discernible from the questions - but we got asked about almost everything we submitted. We just kept answering the questions. None of the questions were harsh or bad, but it was just the number of questions. Long process and was depressing at the end when we didn't get an answer. Hopefully we will get good news soon.
Posted by mjenyc
21 Sep 2013 #11
Well, we received notice that we were approved yesterday!! And I was just about to ask our Congressman and Senators to help us. So, in the end, not a great result - even if we had to wait for nine days.
Posted by f2a485
21 Sep 2013 #12
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am so happy for you after all you went through. Any real couple shouldn't endure so much during the interview process.
Well put the nightmare behind you enjoy your green card. What really matter was that the desired results have been achieved.
Posted by thai
21 Sep 2013 #13
congratulations. mjenyc Did you guys get any online update at all??? I am the person who has the interview the day after yours, still waiting..
Posted by mjenyc
21 Sep 2013 #14
TO wnvx:

Yes -- we received the updates online and received both text and email updates that wwrew sent within (or at the same time) of the onlines status being updated. At each step, we received text and email updates. Highly recommend setting up an account online.
Posted by mjenyc
21 Sep 2013 #15
All, I meant to say above -- in the end, "a great result", even if we had to wait nine days. (Guess I shouldnt type updates when I am tired!)
Posted by f2a485
21 Sep 2013 #16
@wnvx can you please complete your profile, it helps us all follow each others progress.
Posted by thai
21 Sep 2013 #17
hi i have updated my case. I have also setup the email and text alerts, so far nothing. During the interview the IO told me that I should get my card in 2 weeks. so far, almost 2 weeks past, nothing!
Posted by mjenyc
30 Sep 2013 #18
So, we received the GC on Saturday!! Yahoooo!!!! We are very very happy. So, in the end, we had to wiat 9 days after the interview -- which felt like an eternity. Then we got the notice of approval. Then we got several email updats, each saying slightly different things and giving different statements (which was making us nervous). But the, we received the Green Card 8 days after we received notice that we were approved. And then on August 26th, we got an email that USCIS had sent the green card out to us through the United States Postal Service. And then we got the card 2 days later.

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