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L2EADCSC 8 Comments L2 EAD Renewal. L1 Extension, L2 extension, and L2 EAD renewal all submitted together by lawyer. Hoping to get all these approved by Dec end 2019.
California center is processing the l2 extension at a faster rate. One of my friend got the L1 extension processed in 40 days (along with L2 extension)
Good luck. Although i would not have very strong hopes on California center processing faster. It's all very random. My wife's L2 extension is not approved and RD is 17 July 2019. My L1 was premium and it was approved on Aug 8th.
Just spoke to my friend once again. He mentioned that his L1 extension was approved in 40 days. But L2 Extension is yet to approved.
You are right. the L1 extension may get approved quickly, but not the L2.
Anyways, I will keep posted here
@medas, Similar situation as yours.
L1 extension, L2 extension and L2 EAD all submitted together.
Is your application premium?
Is Bio metric done?
@medas, Is L1 processing done? Is that premium?!
Not premium. Regular processing. In California service center, for the L1 extension, it says 1-3 months. It's been only 25 days since we filed this.
We hope that we will hear from USCIS around 2nd or 3rd week of December for the L1 extension
We got our green card on Jan 30th. So, our L renewal, L2 renewal, and EAD was cancelled / denied.
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